Christian's Latest Blog Entry

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Posted Date: Feb 3 - 4:23 PM
I cannot remember when it started, but since childhood, I always liked the philosophy of the POLYMATHS. Since then, I decicated myself and my younger siblings to practive polymath. When I was in elementary, one of my favorite books was POLYMATH by John Brunner. But my fascination came with this type of thinking around the start of 2nd or 3rd grade. I discovered about the book polymath around the 5th or 6th grade. That book is hard to find. Anywho, its about a guy who is knowledge in many different areas. He happens to be in a spaceship crew that crashlands in an unknown planet. So the the others look unto him for survival and guidance. But he has a secret. I won't say more. Its an OK book. Better than ok. I don't want to ruin the surprise. So I began to learn stuff out of school. So one day, I noticed the animals have there normal names (ex. Wolf - Canis Lupus) and the scientific one. Began studying some greek....wait a sec. Soooo.. to cut to the chase, XUXA means duck in Greek. I just happened to study a little bit of greek, since we get some of our words from them. Its helpful when taking test. So thats why I put XUXAMANIA for this month's profile name. Ciao.

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