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Saturday, January 5, 2008

By any chance, did you know?

Posted Date: Jan 5 - 9:41 AM

It is not wise to use computers during rainy weather. Especially when storms are involved.  And extra more consequential if you live in a place, that the outlets are not grounded. You are damaging your computer. If your UNLUCKY enough, you will damage and fry your computer and sometimes even the person who is at the DESKTOP. A normal person cannot easily tell if the outlets in the home are  GROUND connected. Ask any Computer Techie or Electrician. Careful, computers are not easy to come by for everyone. I am OK because, its a laptop, place is grounded, not connected to outlet, have fail swicth device, and a breaker. So now you know why your computer gets a little sluggish, after rainy days and long uses during that time. Until you might smell smoke, or worse then your computer has had enough. Ciao.

Hi everybody!!!

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