Christian's Latest Blog Entry

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Subject special Doctorate program.

Subject special Doctorate program.
Posted Date: Aug 18 - 3:43 PM
It is a very nice. But it only applies to people on the science side. It makes you skip the Masters altogether. The only exception, if you have a major in Philosophy. Let ,me see if I can find a link. I am fullfiling its requirements at the moment. I have to check more on this. I do not even have a link yet. I like it a lot because it saves a lot of time and money. Very convenient. Hmm, Dr... strange. Dr K (Dr. Kennedy).... sometimes I saw how some people just adressed him as whatever, but he earned that title of Dr. I have a lot of respect for that. So I make sure to include Dr. when I addressed him. What a neat, but very challenging and rare program. At the same time, I can make different combinations with it. It nicely goes with the Dual Engineering item I am in the process at the moment. I will try to find link. I just put this here as a reminder. I have to go. Research papers. And I need to recharge. AKA sleep. Ciao.

Hi everybody!!!

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