Christian's Latest Blog Entry

Friday, December 28, 2007

What do you think of 2008?

Posted Date: Dec 28 - 4:07 PM
Another year of challenges, new people to meet, new places, new enemies, adventures and a whole lot knowledge to attain. Learning is a never ending process.

Whats your mood after the Holidays?

Posted Date: Dec 28 - 4:01 PM
I think happy. I am just grateful for another year nobody in my friends, family, secondaries families, church members, neighborhood, classmates, co-workers, the X????X, bestest best friends, and the divisions go on and on... etc... passed away. Im just blessed/lucky that way. Cool huh?

Are you going to ever settle down on how your profile looks?

Posted Date: Dec 28 - 3:56 PM
Not sure. For me, having a profile that looks the same throughout your whole myspace time seems boring. But if I do, it will stand from most profiles. If you looked at the past profile, settings, I like it to be nice and simple, like me.

What are you doing recently now, that you are off work and off school?

Posted Date: Dec 28 - 3:45 PM

Well, I just came from Pasadena. Just so I wont go nuts out of boredem, I volunteer at those ROSE PARADE thingys. Meet new people, get out of the house, go with friends or my favorite family members. Then, I ask them to please wear a certain attire so we look similar to each other. Horse around. Being doing this since 93, 94, or 95 when El Salvador put their first float. Kinda tedious though. Sometimes we sip a little bit of 7 up from the cointainers. Or just pass by and smell the flowers. It is kinda weird how many types of flowers there are. And much patience you need.

Hi everybody!!!

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