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Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy Mr Ceaser Chavez Day!!!
Just passing by this blog and hoping that nobody got guff from the Mr Chavez’s rallies. By any chance, did any one of you know that my father met Mr. Chavez. Yes, the thing is, I am looking through albums, but cant seem to find those pics. So I will post other pics related to Mr. Chavez. Seems I have to pay a visit to a certain attic in Malibu. Freaking trips. Lately, Pacific Coast Highway, (PCH) is jampacked with traffic. Going to and from Malibu is time consuming. Some of the time, there is some type of construction going on. Or other crap, that makes drivers day more exciting. Ah crap. That annoying "FRIENDS" theme. " I will be there for you".... so annoying. Specially the big dork, uh, what his name,... Ross. And whats the freaking big deal with Jennifer Aniston. Meh. So ordinary. And don’t get me started on FOOTFACE aka, Sarah Jessica Parker. My gosh! They should have hired her to play the Joker in the new Batman movie. But nooooo, we have to be nice to everybody. 2 words for her; Ugly weirdo. Is like saying who do not like to study, lazy and dont do their homework, and fail each classes, we go ahead, and give them a PH D. (sarcastic) Lets give a trophy to everybody, so there will be no losers and everybody will be happy. La la la la. Good thing I do not believe in the flawfull philosophy of the Utilitarians. I am proudly a strong believer of Kant. So another good example of a believer in Kant(most probably) Mr Chavez, went down in history, fighting for the better good.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Current profile look and upcoming news.
Posted Date: Mar 30 - 4:21 PM
At the moment, I decided to go with a square theme. Yep, squares. Isn’t that cool cube, kinda hypnotizing. Or just cool to look at. Anyway, once in a while check this profile’s picture section for new pictures of me and other stuff. All this week. I recommend to people who might get headaches wathching a lot of moving objects, to close their eyes. Did you know that sometimes the brain can get headaches when too much visual information is received. Its in books, and I have seen it happen. It has come to the point that people even vomit. You have been warned. Soooo... I might even upload videos, just for the heck of it. Ok gotta go, ciao!
A temptation that I am having lately.
Well, lately, I kinda want to put on Tom’s comment area, that he should be a little guilty about how myspace is affecting academacally the career of the good ol US of A and others. Obviously, that might bring this profile to an end. If this profile gets deleted, is because I decided to do something, that probably he considers offensive. I think that myspace should put some type of security that if you want to open an account, you should at least have a 3.0 gpa. And if you open it, you should maintain it. Of course, money is the main goal to people behind myspace, not our future generations education. Like I said, if this profile is DELETED then ,you might know what I already didl, to have it deleted.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Top 10 Moby Favorites!!!
Well, one of my other favorite artists that has a creative imagination. Kinda was a fan of this videos since he was not really famous. The first video might seem familiar to a lot of people. Its the soundtrack to many movies and shows. Listen to the beginning carefully. A movie that came a while back ago named the Beach starring Leonardo Di Caprio has it as its sound track.
This is the top ten from this dude that our my favorites. We decided not to follow up on the shuffle code, it had some tweaks and just will leave for another day.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Current technical difficulties and more- WHAT!? Today is St Patrick?
Well, the background is supposed to "shimmer" and the music video is supposed to shuffle all the videos. But for some reason it shuffles when it feels like it. At the moment the profile is hosting 39 favorites videos. The codes only work with cetain amount of videos, and 39 being one of those weird numbers. Shimmer is not working at maximum effiency, giving it an outstanding effect. The foreground is not cooperating with shuffle code, making videos once in while slow down, image wise. Shuffle codes shuffle only in chunks of 9, 7 and sometimes 5. Why? Make sure to ask Raxos for that neat code to shuffle your profile picture. Maximum 5 pics? Blog tweaks in myspace are becoming hassle. None of this problems occurs in the other sites. Members report the same. Myspace blogs are only ones to have a conflict with new codes. Main source of blogs are not to be changed or altered just for Alter codes just for myspace and hinder all other sites is not a priority. And just is not worth it. What is Tom doing?
===Food Journal===
Chili Cheeseburger combo from Carl’s Jr. ** out of 5. -----Dissapointing
Sherbet Rainbow at Rite Aid Ice Cream wing(?)**** out of 5 -----Surprised!
===Captain’s Log Captain Kirk 0317===
Kidding about the last one. Anyway, what a neat day! Good day to take out the family or friends to the outdoors or just take in the sun. Our skin needs sunshine once in a while. Vitamin D. Usually I am not much into sunny days, but this day looked nice. Usually if its sunny, I walked the most time possible in the shadow or just go out at night. I need the cover of the night to do... stuff. Kidding. Felt nice helping those kids at the center. If you cannot teach something one way, then improvise! Out in the park and beaches was a logical choice for today. Embarrassing moment. A girl friend of mine (not my actual one, just one that happens to be a friend and female) asked for my number. My phone is not receiving calls. So I gave her the number and was about to ask for hers when she dialed me. My cell did not go off. (Crap, she will think I gave her a fake{Did I give her my correctly?} I do not want to hurt her feelings) But I explained that cell is messed up. It went ok. I have to return my stinking Valentine’s gift? Seems so. How come everyone is wearing green? Crap! Today is St Patty. I though it was tommorrow. But I never wear green anyway and I like to test to see how people react. Watch out for those Irish, especially behind the wheel. Kidding. Bobby Hill imatating Irish "Oh no! Dhres go meee liver!!! Drive carefully everyone, and watch out for Red Nosed Irish. Ciao.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Looking onto the future... blogwise.
I am planning to get those guys by- hold on a second, thats a secret. Anyway, the future blogs will contain my favorite artists. In no particular order. I have like top 10 from each artist. So far, if you look at the previous blogs, a certain code that shuffles videos, seems to be doing its trick. But it needs improvement. Neat. If you look at my favorite artists, all of what they have in common, is that they are very uh... "artistic" when they do their music videos. And also you do not need drugs to enjoy their videos, just to enhance it. (joking) Don't expect rap or hip hop on this profile or other type of music that is mainstream or for people who are afraid of speaking for themselves or can be easily brainwashed. Just imagine if Hitler came back, and he forced all of us to listen to Germanic Classics. High percentage of the FIRST ones to easily fall (traitors, backstabbers etc etc)are the people who listen to hip hop and rap and reggeaton. Then they will be saying "hip hop and rap is crap, what was I thinking. Yeah! play that funky music Beethoven. You are the man! Beethoven!(But deep inside, they hate it but are afraid what other people might say and since the rest of the world is jumping off the building, so might as well jump off the building too.) Dont get me wrong I have some favorites from Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube and Eminem,... the original ones. But just 2 or 3 from each one. The rest are imatators who jumped on the bandwagon. But I am not really... "down" with that, you... uh "know what Im sayin?" (laughing) My gosh!-- Anyway, all of this artists at some point have controversial videos. One of my favorites (and the Duck) from Bjork is called Pagan Poetry, where she comes out almost naked. Unfortunately, its one of my top 10 from Bjork. Not sure if to put it or not. Because this profile is to network a school. (Bodies are a work of art....) But also No Doubt, Smashmout, MOBY, BECK, MOLOTOV and etc have their share of crazy videos. So hopefully you enjoy this videos and maybe you get out of your own prisons you made for yourself. Speak your mind. If Hitler takes over, be strong. Speak your mind. Imagine if the greatest humans on who walked this Earth, never did what they did. Dr Martin Luther King, Ceaser Chavez, the first Americans, Ghandi, Socrates, Batman(ik), Muhhamed, Jesus, Da Vinci, Imonthep, and all those others that saw that their people were suffering and decided to think and act, to actually do something about it. But if not a single hero stands up and have the guts for the rest, then who will?
Current profile look. Less gothic.
I kinda toned down the wolf thing. I was begginning to give impression that I might be a goth or even worse, some sort of emo. Speaking of which, one of my new nicknames is TECHNICOLOR EMO. Is that you know how emo guys like to wear tight clothes. But they look weird and like we say in the Salvodorean languge "monos bayuncos". They really don't have the legs and ...ahem...anyway, have they seen themselves? I recommend the classic comic books that were drawn by one of my favorite artists JACK KIRBY. I am not into that stupid junk of emo, which seems gay. I was just greatly influenced by the comic book heroes as I began to learn how to read. But those heroes wear spandex or some junk. Ok, just a reminder, I am a normal human being, that just happens to suffer from a great number of disorders, and grew up in a weird enviroment, and a body that is even a mystery to me when it functions abnormally and etc etc. Ok enjoy my profile and feel free to steal my ideas and don't give credit, like someone that name starts with M. I am kidding Marcela, you are a neat person. But still my profile puts many others to shame. I kidd, I kidd. "Why try the rest when you have the best. Those wannabe..."Take care everyone, I am a friggin weird fast healer. So I am A OK. Chris Is A Ok.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Finally a Break!!!
Wow! This freaking semester is kinda nice. Usually, since I sign up for a bunch of classes each semester, I have a test almost every week. But now, I have like 3 to 4 weeks between tests. Which I find neat because I now I have some time to workout more, relax, study, help the less fortunate, volunteer my time to worthy causes, go out, travel and maybe even party. Neat. At the moment, I am kinda bummed because I did not do so well on my last test. Because some 3 guys decided to be funny and... anywho. So I am kinda not on my good side. My body is healing, who am I kidding, its healed like 94%. I kinda am creeping the docs and close friends. I am not sure, I feel like hunting. Mix that up with a detective mind, I sure this hunt is going to be interesting. I am glad the students are relieved and not worried. I just like kids, and kinda brings me some sort of joy and seeing them learn something new. They are the future. Ciao. (A hunting we a go! A hunting we a go!......)
Top 10 Sugar Ray Favorites
One of my favorites. This time, I decided to put all of them into one single player. Also, some of the earlier blogs are actually this, but they have been blocked from public view. Sometimes I just log in into this account and listen to the youtube videos, while I study or am doing a bunch of hectic paper work. This type of player is very convenient.
This videos, I did not put them in any order, because we are using a neat code that changes the orders of the songs, or shuffles them everytime you visit the site. So their is no point in putting them from 10 to 1 of the group. The autoplay function is good. But has half of the time conflict with the shuffle code. Enjoy the my top favorite videos from Sugar Ray.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Look at us, we are BEAUTIFUL!!!
No, I am not talking about the obvious. Just push the button and hopefully you and your loved one become more happy!!!
Like they have a hidden camera in a certain house. Where is it? I kidd. I kidd. (Look at us we are beautiful!!!) One of my favorites from Moby. One of the top 10 to be exact. I am doing fine, I have to be strong and resiliant. I made a promise to a lot people that I will try my best to be with them and hoping to bring the ulimate help to mankind. Also, my little sister, I just wish to see her grow up and see her at least get her Bachellors and I want to be around that day to see it happen. Ok, to maintain and .... take care everone! Ciao.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Kinda freaky healing.
Not sure what is going on. How come I am healing fast. I am grateful, but this does not seem normal. They are just falling off my face! But I barely got damaged 1.5 days ago! Even the doctors are saying of this unique healing. What is going on? Well, thank God its not getting worse. But still, its freaky.
Current profile look.
Current profile is dedicated to my animal spirit, the WOLF. Yep, way different from the Duck theme. NO! I have not turned goth or emo. Is that you see, if I am going to represent the WOLVES, it has to be appropiate. My sister is cute and adorable and friendly. But wolves are another thing. They are majestic creatures that are associated with the moon.
The full moon to be exact. With fear, you kinda get some sort of respect.... interesting. I am going to change it soon again. Because I do not want to creep too much my younger viewers or give them an idea that darkness is a good / cool thing. Ok enjoy.