Posted Date: Sep 6 - 4:30 PM
---At my one of my favorite arcade places, that have various "DANZA machines" like my little sister calls them. After coming from Downtown LA and bought 2 new DDR games for our PS2 at home.---
I am not sure my Precious Ducky. This DDR songs are not so cheery for me anymore. I want to dance to something to an upbeatt rhytim.
So StarWolf, how did you start dancing with the DANZA games.
When I was over there at Santa Cruz, there is this place that I like a lot called the Casino Arcade. I liked that place. It was up there with the Mystery Spot of my list of favorite places to be and have fun. You should go visit the Mystery Spot. That place is weird. I like weird.....
But lately, this songs are not doing it for me anymore. Meh. What are you doing over there? My friends say to stay away from that machine called "In the Groove" They say it is a wannnabe DDR machine. And is so easy and gay (South Park fans)......
What did you do Precious Duck.
I dunno. It gaves us a free game. For 2 players? Ah, soooo kewl!!.....
That sounds neat! Whats the name of this song.... XUXA.... if I remember correctly, that is Duck in Latin or Greek. Hmm.... Wow and the whole time they where telling me to stay away because the songs sucked. I was about to stop dancing...
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