Christian's Latest Blog Entry

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Goodbye 2010 Winter Olympics, from Canada to Russia. Sochi? And YOG?

Im kinda bummed to see the 21st Olympic games go. Wow. Those 2 weekss kinda passed by fast. I kinda get a bit of Im not sure what when I see the opening and closing ceremonies. But I still dont really get that curling. I might as well start sweeping at home. I bet some people who want to join the crowd, would start doing this sport.

Anywho, Ive heard that a new Olympic "spinoff" is about to begin in 6 months called YOG. Youth Olympic Games, Im guessing. Heres the link, check it out when you get a chance.

If I remember correctly, there was a bit of contreversy about the Canadia Olympic logo.
Something about Lisa Simpson. But they put this, which looks more decent. Not sure if the Lisa Simpson logo was an actual desing or some sort of joke made by someone.

So hopefully everything works out ok, and more contreversaries come out in the future.

Speaking of jokes, supposedly this video talks of a blooper on ceremony. Ill continue to wathc the remaining of this show. Ciao.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

DNS10, FOXs 24 Jack Bauer, Haiti, 2010,The Office & hiding Tiger Woods.

So, whats new on me is that Im using DNS10 on And again its not a drug. A reminder that I dont do drugs,smoke and junk. But my friends do tell me I have a drinking problem. Is that when I drink water or milk, I make this annoying noisy sound when drinking. Ha ha ha! I dont drink either. So.... lately Im enjoying FOXs 24. Go kick butt Jack Bauer! Go and Jack Bauer that info from the bad guys! Go Jack Bauer on his butt. I mean attack not in an... explicit manner. Also volunteering for the Haiti cause. Not much. Hmmm. Well, lately Im beginning to like the show called the Office. At first, Im like meh, but this year, Im seeing it at a regular basis. I already have been TIVO-ing 24 for some seasons now. So when I come from school or whatnot, I go to the TIVO and just get hooked on the adventures of Jack Bauer. But with the new digital conversion thingy, seems there are some glitches. A new thing for me on 2010 is that I just discovered that has some bugs with DNS10. I thing Ive noticed that America has given up on searching for a certain evil person (that caused pain and suffering to a lot of folks) for a while, thinking he might be dead. And Im not talking about Osama Bin Rotten, Im referring to Tiger Woods. Where the heck is that guy? Hmm. Dont really care. Well got to go and see some junk. Hang in there people. If you have a job and you dont like it, just think of the people who wish to have at least some sort of legal, morally income. Hang in there.
"With so much riding on my hands, this will not be my last battle!"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello? Is thing thing on? Whoops! Apperantly not.

Hey people. Wow. Its been a while. 2010 has been an interesting start for me. Ive been ignoring my blogs for a while. But now that I look at this, it seems I have to put more effort to fix some bugs here on Dude, this sucks. But you know whos fault is it? You got that right! The Grinch! Kidding. Is that Im seeing is that around 40 - 50 entries havent been publish yet. Dude! Unbeliable! Is that for you readers that have been following me from myspace blogs, you know that Im a user of DNS9. Uh, no, not a type of drug or nuclear weapon. DNS9s short for Dragon Naturally Speaking 9. Ive upgraded to DNS10 (more like downgrade, kidding) but the features clash with the junk-load of protocals I use for blogging. Sheesh! Ive upgraded around October - November timeslot. And it seems the problem has occured since. Ha ha ha! Im still around folks. So... what have been up to besides the usual world domination & junk. Where to start? Bunch of guff, here and there... Hmm. Nah, this is going to take to freaking long. Not like Im going to tell you about my whole goddang life(Catcher in the Rye) but wait, Im a blogger. Scratch that. Well, I finally have some free time and going to see those bugs. Met some new people. Didnt suicide because of Michael Jackson. Im putting that up there because Ive decided to use Michael Jackson death as a way to end the myspace blog profile and begin anew, in a way. Some fans of mine have speculated that it was MJ to cause to suicide or junk. Heck no! Not much of a fan of the guy. If you go to youtube and put funny, Michael Jackson, children, youll get a heck-load of videos, making fun of his... problems. One more thing people, Ive won the lottery. Im $27 richers! Hooray! Not even. But just here, reminding everyone to try your best and dont give up. We are in a recession so try to save money & if you spend, think of investing instead. And be wary of evil people who will try to take advantage of this situation. Rage against evil. At moment, Im volunteering a bit for the Haiti cause. And I mean a bit. I dont like to jump in the bandwagon. Because they are still people suffering in all parts of the world. Africa, Asia, Americas & etc. One of the upcoming entries is dedicated to a new dear friend title, "She uses her arms, I use my blogs as reminders" or some junk like that. So if you excuse me folks, trying to fix that bug with the entries being only drafted and not publish. 50 entries! Yikes!

"To protect and to maintain, one owns Chivalry way!"

Hi everybody!!!

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