Christian's Latest Blog Entry

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God is with me, not against me

Earlier today, I met a person named Jessica. I noticed that her left arm had a bunch of writing. For a while, I thought it was a peculiar tattoo. Jessica explained to me that she writes stuff on her arms as reminders.

"Oh, I do that too." "Like, buy milk, study, Room M77, Test on Chapters 5 to 7 & etc"

But, just to cut to the chase, when she said, "God is with me, not against me", Im not sure what happened to me, but I started to think critically about that quote.

"God is with me, not against me"? I usually think that Im fighting against evil, and all other guff from the world. I just to go against unfairness, cruely, injustice that people suffer everyday. But "God is with me"? I never actually seen it that way a 100%. I tend not to rely on other people when it comes to handle everyday problems. But do I sound evil, of not thinking in this type of way, according to the quote. Never thougt of it that way, ... does that make me a "bad Christian", and I mean the faith, not my name. Hmm. Im wonderig where Jessica got that quote. Did she made it up? Got it from a song? The Bible? Just pondering. Meeting Jessica today made me think more upon life and the challenges that await in our future. If I see Jessica again, Ill ask her the source of that quote. Very nice quote. Nice and simple and straigth to the point. Jessica looks awfully familiar. Not sure why. She does kinda remind me of Kiko, but Kiko has been missing in action lately. No one knows what happened to her. Kiko just stop showing around, around the time of the death of Michael Jackson. Is she mourning? Who knows.

So back to the quote. I talked with some close friends via cellphone. Mostly I get the feedback that God or destiny or whatever you want to call what happens, has a funny way to put people, places, events in your way, for you to learn and to be guided in the right direction. For me, it does change a bit of my way of thinking. That I have to manage, and like I always say, "To protect and to maintain, ones own Chivalry way."

Emergency Update.

No one was monitoring the Battle Archives, Tactic Archives, & Project Gilgamesh, and similar projects. Failed Experiment of 2008 have been archiving from different sources but not orderly. Battle Archives 2 will remain on course. While original BA will have to wait. TA is funtioning at peak performance. Due to small numbers of readers on myspace, not a significant different. Someone has to see how to deal with newcomers. Michael Jackson was a great distraction to throw readers off. Melissa will take over myspace traffic. Either that, or following; John, Allison are good canditates but Melissa has more experience in this field. Need opinions on who will replace Chris, and if Melissa is good canditate. Updates are being not set by correct date.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The death of comedian's buttjoke of a child molestor. (Michael Jackson)

Growing up, Michael Jackson was always used by the media, comedians and etc as a joke. Especially about him and little boys in that Never land ranch area. If you go onto YouTube or whatnot, you ll find a bunch of comedy sketches making fun of his alleged molestation. Just type in the search box; Michael Jackson, MadTV, SNL, funny, molestation,In living Color, comedy and the like. So, growing up, who hasn't heard of the allegations of him going Wacko Jacko on little boys.

Earlier today, I got the news that the king of pop, Michael Jackson passed away. Details are not so clear on his death. Just that he just had a cardiac arrest, and just kicked the bucket here in the UCLA medical plaza. I'm getting news that traffic is crazy near UCLA. Here at SMC, everything seems normal. I think because we are in Summer session, not much student body is present. Wow. Just weird. My concern at the moment is SYMPATHY SUICIDES. This term is applied to people who commit suicide in response to a certain event, like Elvis's death. So I imagine that might follow. I'm trying to remember all my friends music taste, but none of us are very hardcore into Michael Jackson music. I'm betting some phonies would start buying his Cd's, and others will try to make a profit of his death. If there is a public ceremony, some will try to leech to his fame and blab about how they knew him, and just want some camera time. Where were those people, when he was in the middle of his accusations? They ran away from him, "cant be next to a child molestor." That bothers me, how "friends" come and go depending on your citation. Im very sure I first heard about his passing while in the campus of SMC. Right now, my classes are over for the day, and have a break before heading off to work. Wait. I got a call and text about now, and telling me to not come in. Traffic is crazy. Is that whatever happens to UCLA area, affects to a certain point the Pepperdine campus in Malibu, my current "Summer Job". My plan today is to stay late until library closes, and go home at around 9PM. Hoping by that time, the traffic and craziness between SMC and my home calms down. Might as well study. Ciao.

Hi everybody!!!

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