Christian's Latest Blog Entry
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Status Report of Myspace Transition, late November.
Well, so far it seems that everything is going ok with the blogs transfer. The myspace format seems to be another annoyance that keeps halting the process. For the meanwhile, all of them are automatically being put on reserved on one of the back up servers. The codes can easily be removed, but then they wont automatically transfer. Recalling a meeting that occured in early 2006, before the downward spiral of myspace popularity, it was known that this might happen. June 2006 was the height of the popularity of myspace, and since then, never could regain that same height. What is very impressive is that the blogs had a strong following even with the popularity of myspace falling. Imagine the results if the myspace blogs have been intagrated / transfered before June 2006! Current indication shows that at the same time that facebook shows a bit of a fall in the present year, is going up. Why is that? According to surveys, Facebook biggest strength might play a part in its downfall. Statiscally, its too early too tell if the theory of social networking fall will apply to all sites, including Facebook. Facebook has been facing sorts of lawsuits and complaints from concerned parents,wives, husbands,girlfriends, boyfriends about a special person opening a secret profile and cheating on their partner. Many countries are looking into this privacy issue and might consider facebook to disable the privacy to a certain point so that no bad identities can hide. Including terrorist cells, troubled youth, cheating spouses. This is not the first time that facebook has been facing issues. China and other formibable countries had prevented it citizens of accessing Facebook or even opening an account. Facebook opened back around 2003, and has been in part of controversy of too much security. The argument being on cheating partners, children endangering themselves, groups intending to cause harm to a bigger population. With this in mind, all blogs in the future will probably only appear on blog sites, and no social networks site at all. Like Friendster, Myspace, in the future, people will get bored of facebook, jump off the wagon and will jump onto a new wagon, until that wagon goes down in popularity. Fight for the future friends.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Myspace has done it again. Something crappy
So far, all the blogs seems to working at a good rate. But lately, the blogs that where intended for myspace are causing trouble again. The sync mechanism that delayed the entries (by a lot) seems to be repeating itself. Not a bug or related, but similar scenerio of what was happening on myspace blog. It was no surprise that this was going to happen. Because blogger decided to make some changes, on account of their 10th anniversary. What happened is that no one is actually monitoring what happens in this site. Well, a human is not monitoring whats going on. That what happens when you rely on technology a lot. Entries are going to looked up again and fixed. Seems in groups. X-Makinas are to help in situation of protection of dignity. Sadly, its too late. Any impact done by Xs might be futile. But that what happens when a girl lives a double life, and has not considered the consenquences in this modern world of the web. Best of luck.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Kris is spelled with C or K. Weird huh?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
hey 7:26 PM
! 7:26 PM
Whoa. 7:27 PM
I really need to fix that alarm. 7:28 PM
Hey you. 7:28 PM
Ouch. My ears. 7:28 PM
hey just here doing my homework so much soo stressing 7:28 PM
hahah 7:28 PM
Ouch my brain. 7:28 PM
Very good. Your doing something constructive. 7:29 PM
can i type you a question maybe you might know a few facts> 7:29 PM
? 7:29 PM
My name is Christian. How might I help you today. Thank you for calling Ct&T. 7:29 PM
Shoot. 7:29 PM
haha 7:30 PM
Wow. Your different. Other people just put LOL. We dont laugh like that. Im glad Im not alone.(School girl giggle) Tee hee hee. 7:32 PM
discuss the many elements of our state goverment design that were inspired by the progressive reforms. What is the "plural executive"? What is the referendum/ initiative process"? What is the status of the state's constitution? what are the governor's duties and powers? How do the political parties operate in the state assembly and senate? As a result of all these reforms, do we have more or less democracy in our state? 7:33 PM
hahahaha long question but guys usually know more about the politics 7:33 PM
??? 7:34 PM
That sounds a bit funny. 7:34 PM
While we are at it, "since your a guy, you know how to fix cars and burp and etc" 7:35 PM
its more democracy 7:35 PM
Sure. 7:35 PM
No prob. 7:35 PM
but isnt it true lol i'm asking my brothers lol 7:35 PM
Ok, for the first part of the question... 7:35 PM
Lol? 7:35 PM
Mostly when America was young. 7:36 PM
when Europeans factions have established that a government should... 7:36 PM
(Wait. What kinda government are you taking?) 7:37 PM
be going towards a more viable solution for upcoming citizens. 7:38 PM
political science 7:38 PM
(In other words, that the feds should take into consideration future problems that kids and new junk might happen) 7:39 PM
ture 7:40 PM
true* 7:40 PM
And that we should put exceptions (waivers, clauses, amenments) that would make it easier to change the current laws for future cases. 7:41 PM
Problem is, that who gets to decide who going to change the rules and is it for a good cause that will help a bunch of people. 7:42 PM
thats what i put good same idea 7:43 PM
The referendum and initiative process is a way of giving people more power by allowing them to force a vote to try to pass a law if enough signature are collected in a petition, this allows people to go around the representative elected and just try to get a law without having to rely on them. So we the normal everyday Moes can take a... what..... hmm... iniciative and just start it ourselves... there you go. 7:49 PM
Iniciatives to change laws, make new ones or get rid of old ones. 7:50 PM
Etc etc. 7:50 PM
Now its time for my weather forcast. 7:51 PM
Time for ... 7:51 PM
hahah hows the weather 7:51 PM
"Chris-sticks-his-head-out-the-window-and-sees-how-the-current-forcast." 7:52 PM
how'd you think of that 7:53 PM
Its cold and dark. Brrr. 7:53 PM
Simple, my laptop is next to the window. 7:54 PM
Not hard to think about that. 7:54 PM
So was that 1st part helpful, or did I nerd it up too much for you. 7:54 PM
??? 7:54 PM
its funny though sounds like a child's scheme 7:54 PM
no its good 7:55 PM
its a stupid paper i;m doing 7:55 PM
i have soo much to research lol 7:55 PM
??? 7:55 PM
Ok then. 7:55 PM
Lets continue... 7:55 PM
(No offense) 7:57 PM
But at least you are doing something that will benefit you. 7:57 PM
Its a step in getting you closer to your ultimate goal in life. 7:58 PM
Stupid will probably be... 7:58 PM
skating in the streets the whole day... 7:58 PM
or playing video games all days... 7:59 PM
or doing some other bodily harm to yourself or mind. 7:59 PM
So... 7:59 PM
haha true 8:00 PM
2nd part... the plural ex... something is like a fancy way of saying a version of the majority vote... 8:00 PM
In that we should also take into consideration how many people or parties (not that kinda of party.. PARTYYY) are involved in this process of making a stand for a new clause (rule, amendment, etc) 8:02 PM
(PARTY!!!...) Duff beer, the Simpsons. 8:02 PM
i dont get it so its not a member of government/ 8:05 PM
? 8:05 PM
The party in question should have established enough evidence & other junk to convince the bigger party to take under consideration to propose a change. 8:05 PM
Sometimes the parties are called "independent officers" and ruled by a "weak" chief executive branch. 8:06 PM
In most cases, the power is divide by the "independent officer" (IOs) 8:07 PM
so its governor plus 7? 8:08 PM
What the deuce? +7? 8:09 PM
Is that a show? 8:09 PM
Ok. Hmmm. 8:10 PM
Let me see... 8:10 PM
lol 8:11 PM
An easier way... to put this. 8:12 PM
You are the controlling or ruling party. Or chief executive (CE) 8:13 PM
The kids you take care in the YS Care or LA Best (Im so sorry Khris, I get both of them mixed) 8:14 PM
The kids you take care of are the Indepent Officers (IO) 8:14 PM
(Are you following this?) Or did I lose you? 8:15 PM
??? 8:16 PM
Hello? 8:16 PM
(Might as get a quick snack) 8:16 PM
oh sorry i was working on my paper 8:18 PM
yeah i get you 8:18 PM
higher power,,, then helpers 8:18 PM
Can you please a message... 8:20 PM
Im out of mind at the moment. 8:20 PM
is that an online away message 8:25 PM
Back. I think. Got the textM Ive sent you? 8:29 PM
The last question is easy. We DO have more democracy than the old folks had in the past. 8:31 PM
Look at how many new changes we had. 8:31 PM
But you be very smart and put it into fancy words. 8:31 PM
#3 is rule or regulation saying what are the correct ways to start a new action.
hey 7:26 PM
! 7:26 PM
Whoa. 7:27 PM
I really need to fix that alarm. 7:28 PM
Hey you. 7:28 PM
Ouch. My ears. 7:28 PM
hey just here doing my homework so much soo stressing 7:28 PM
hahah 7:28 PM
Ouch my brain. 7:28 PM
Very good. Your doing something constructive. 7:29 PM
can i type you a question maybe you might know a few facts> 7:29 PM
? 7:29 PM
My name is Christian. How might I help you today. Thank you for calling Ct&T. 7:29 PM
Shoot. 7:29 PM
haha 7:30 PM
Wow. Your different. Other people just put LOL. We dont laugh like that. Im glad Im not alone.(School girl giggle) Tee hee hee. 7:32 PM
discuss the many elements of our state goverment design that were inspired by the progressive reforms. What is the "plural executive"? What is the referendum/ initiative process"? What is the status of the state's constitution? what are the governor's duties and powers? How do the political parties operate in the state assembly and senate? As a result of all these reforms, do we have more or less democracy in our state? 7:33 PM
hahahaha long question but guys usually know more about the politics 7:33 PM
??? 7:34 PM
That sounds a bit funny. 7:34 PM
While we are at it, "since your a guy, you know how to fix cars and burp and etc" 7:35 PM
its more democracy 7:35 PM
Sure. 7:35 PM
No prob. 7:35 PM
but isnt it true lol i'm asking my brothers lol 7:35 PM
Ok, for the first part of the question... 7:35 PM
Lol? 7:35 PM
Mostly when America was young. 7:36 PM
when Europeans factions have established that a government should... 7:36 PM
(Wait. What kinda government are you taking?) 7:37 PM
be going towards a more viable solution for upcoming citizens. 7:38 PM
political science 7:38 PM
(In other words, that the feds should take into consideration future problems that kids and new junk might happen) 7:39 PM
ture 7:40 PM
true* 7:40 PM
And that we should put exceptions (waivers, clauses, amenments) that would make it easier to change the current laws for future cases. 7:41 PM
Problem is, that who gets to decide who going to change the rules and is it for a good cause that will help a bunch of people. 7:42 PM
thats what i put good same idea 7:43 PM
The referendum and initiative process is a way of giving people more power by allowing them to force a vote to try to pass a law if enough signature are collected in a petition, this allows people to go around the representative elected and just try to get a law without having to rely on them. So we the normal everyday Moes can take a... what..... hmm... iniciative and just start it ourselves... there you go. 7:49 PM
Iniciatives to change laws, make new ones or get rid of old ones. 7:50 PM
Etc etc. 7:50 PM
Now its time for my weather forcast. 7:51 PM
Time for ... 7:51 PM
hahah hows the weather 7:51 PM
"Chris-sticks-his-head-out-the-window-and-sees-how-the-current-forcast." 7:52 PM
how'd you think of that 7:53 PM
Its cold and dark. Brrr. 7:53 PM
Simple, my laptop is next to the window. 7:54 PM
Not hard to think about that. 7:54 PM
So was that 1st part helpful, or did I nerd it up too much for you. 7:54 PM
??? 7:54 PM
its funny though sounds like a child's scheme 7:54 PM
no its good 7:55 PM
its a stupid paper i;m doing 7:55 PM
i have soo much to research lol 7:55 PM
??? 7:55 PM
Ok then. 7:55 PM
Lets continue... 7:55 PM
(No offense) 7:57 PM
But at least you are doing something that will benefit you. 7:57 PM
Its a step in getting you closer to your ultimate goal in life. 7:58 PM
Stupid will probably be... 7:58 PM
skating in the streets the whole day... 7:58 PM
or playing video games all days... 7:59 PM
or doing some other bodily harm to yourself or mind. 7:59 PM
So... 7:59 PM
haha true 8:00 PM
2nd part... the plural ex... something is like a fancy way of saying a version of the majority vote... 8:00 PM
In that we should also take into consideration how many people or parties (not that kinda of party.. PARTYYY) are involved in this process of making a stand for a new clause (rule, amendment, etc) 8:02 PM
i dont get it so its not a member of government/ 8:05 PM
? 8:05 PM
The party in question should have established enough evidence & other junk to convince the bigger party to take under consideration to propose a change. 8:05 PM
Sometimes the parties are called "independent officers" and ruled by a "weak" chief executive branch. 8:06 PM
In most cases, the power is divide by the "independent officer" (IOs) 8:07 PM
so its governor plus 7? 8:08 PM
What the deuce? +7? 8:09 PM
Is that a show? 8:09 PM
Ok. Hmmm. 8:10 PM
Let me see... 8:10 PM
lol 8:11 PM
An easier way... to put this. 8:12 PM
You are the controlling or ruling party. Or chief executive (CE) 8:13 PM
The kids you take care in the YS Care or LA Best (Im so sorry Khris, I get both of them mixed) 8:14 PM
The kids you take care of are the Indepent Officers (IO) 8:14 PM
(Are you following this?) Or did I lose you? 8:15 PM
??? 8:16 PM
Hello? 8:16 PM
(Might as get a quick snack) 8:16 PM
oh sorry i was working on my paper 8:18 PM
yeah i get you 8:18 PM
higher power,,, then helpers 8:18 PM
Can you please a message... 8:20 PM
Im out of mind at the moment. 8:20 PM
is that an online away message 8:25 PM
Back. I think. Got the textM Ive sent you? 8:29 PM
The last question is easy. We DO have more democracy than the old folks had in the past. 8:31 PM
Look at how many new changes we had. 8:31 PM
But you be very smart and put it into fancy words. 8:31 PM
#3 is rule or regulation saying what are the correct ways to start a new action.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Weebls: SCAMPI. (VIDEO & full LYRICS)
SCAMPI by Weebl
I've seen things,
I've seen them with my eyes,
I've seen things theyr often in disguise,
Like carrrots,handbags,cheese,toilets, russians,planets,hamsters,weddings,poets,stalin,
Kuala lumper,pygmies, budgies, kuala lumper
I've seen things,
I've seen them with my eyes,
I've seen things theyr often in disguise,
Like carrrots,handbags,cheese
I just got the news that my plane tickets are about 43% off regular price for New York! Wow! Im saving 43% of the normal price for round trip to and from New York! From LA! 2 more months and we bring in a new decade. Meh. Be happy for what you have, and not sad for what you dont. Ciao.
I've seen things,
I've seen them with my eyes,
I've seen things theyr often in disguise,
Like carrrots,handbags,cheese,toilets, russians,planets,hamsters,weddings,poets,stalin,
Kuala lumper,pygmies, budgies, kuala lumper
I've seen things,
I've seen them with my eyes,
I've seen things theyr often in disguise,
Like carrrots,handbags,cheese
I just got the news that my plane tickets are about 43% off regular price for New York! Wow! Im saving 43% of the normal price for round trip to and from New York! From LA! 2 more months and we bring in a new decade. Meh. Be happy for what you have, and not sad for what you dont. Ciao.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Its been 2 weeks after Ive put a relationship issue on the table for Mar.
I was not really surprised that Mar would say no to me on the matter of starting a relationship. I was expecting that. But what I wasnt prepared at all for, and took me offguard and not seeing a predictable course of action was, my reaction. I was expecting to be sad or angry or vengeful or some type of negative reaction.But my reaction after about 2 weeks of Mar's answer is: nothing. Nothing! Shouldnt a guy be angry or sad after a "rejection"? I wanted to experiment with myself of how emotionally painful is to be "rejected". But why am I am not feeling nothing? Is all these time, it was just a feeling of respect and admiration towards Mar. I was not totally expecting this aloof reaction. Like nothing happened. Just shrugged it off. Arent I supposed to be in anyway feeling at least something. Feeling of nothing does not count. I was hoping to experience something new. But sadly, no. But at least Im happy that I know where she stands and that I can move on. I many times of people saying that its a good experience for both parties. A particular person that comes to mind is Mudra. With swears words, she explained to me that "she does not like it when guys beat around the bush". Just be direct and both people know whats going on and stop wasting time. But for now, I am content that Im very sure where Mar stands. And how she sees me. I have been giving the gift of not wondering anymore. Not guessing if she is willing to start something. Not wondering that those words of caring and fondness, are they meant to start something, or just being nice. Now I know. But with that great news of coming out of a fog of mystery, Im still perplexed at this reaction of just shruggin off her response. I hope in the future, I will find a girl that will reject me, and I will experience a type of sadness or dissapointed. Because that means... I really like that girl. Come on people. Sadness is a normal reaction to have when a special person dies, and you were emotionally attached to them. There is something not quite right when a person acts like nothing happened in an event of death. So for me, Im wondering who to ask next. Obviously in person. Hmm. Well readers, hope all of you are doing great. Ciao!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Lets see if this entry is accepted from this email.
Hello there.
-- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing."
-- "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing."
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
You were on a moon, while I was on a star.
I suddenly have this big crush on the female guitarist. Just in case you forgot people, I have a weakness for red-headed girls. I just admire that face of hers. Her eyes are nice and big. Kinda like a type of manga type of cartoons. I just like her smile and big round eyes. Those eyes of her are so expressive. Reminds me of a redhead I used to date named Kat.
At the moment, kinda bummed about the Beastie Boys tour cancellation. But Im hoping Mr. Adam ( I have great respect for pioneers) and hope he recovers fast. Kinda nervous for tommorrow. The interview, an academic interview. Im not sure what to expect. I tried my best to study and stay awake, but ruined it.
Back to this song, its called Moonbeam, by Men without Hats. Im not sure how I found it. But Im just playing it back to see the girls face. Here are the lyrics.
Moonbeam by Men without hats.
One two three four
You, you were on a moon- moon-beam
Me, I was on a star
Gee everything was blue, blue-green
Be cause everything was far
Me, I was in a mo- mo-vie
You, you were in a song
Gee everything was groo, gro-ovy
We everything was wrong
And no matter where you are
I can always see that far
You were on a mo-on-beam of love
A pretty little moonbeam
Its you Im thinking of
Hey! I was only trying to say
Youre a million miles away
I can feel you dancin anyway
You, you were on a moonbeam
And me I was in a cloud
And everything was lou reed
And everything was loud
No matter where you were
Well I could always see that fer
You were on a mo-on-beam of love
A pretty little moonbeam
Moonbeam of love
A pretty little moonbeam
Shining from above
A pretty little moonbeam
Its you Im thinking of
A pretty little moonbeam
Do you dream of love
Those eyes of hers. I also like her smile. Teeth are so white and straight.
When I mean manga, I mean like these types of eyes.

Ok, have to study more and prepare for tomorrows interview. Ciao. (Still reminds of me that redheaded hottie Kat.)
At the moment, kinda bummed about the Beastie Boys tour cancellation. But Im hoping Mr. Adam ( I have great respect for pioneers) and hope he recovers fast. Kinda nervous for tommorrow. The interview, an academic interview. Im not sure what to expect. I tried my best to study and stay awake, but ruined it.
Back to this song, its called Moonbeam, by Men without Hats. Im not sure how I found it. But Im just playing it back to see the girls face. Here are the lyrics.
Moonbeam by Men without hats.
One two three four
You, you were on a moon- moon-beam
Me, I was on a star
Gee everything was blue, blue-green
Be cause everything was far
Me, I was in a mo- mo-vie
You, you were in a song
Gee everything was groo, gro-ovy
We everything was wrong
And no matter where you are
I can always see that far
You were on a mo-on-beam of love
A pretty little moonbeam
Its you Im thinking of
Hey! I was only trying to say
Youre a million miles away
I can feel you dancin anyway
You, you were on a moonbeam
And me I was in a cloud
And everything was lou reed
And everything was loud
No matter where you were
Well I could always see that fer
You were on a mo-on-beam of love
A pretty little moonbeam
Moonbeam of love
A pretty little moonbeam
Shining from above
A pretty little moonbeam
Its you Im thinking of
A pretty little moonbeam
Do you dream of love
Those eyes of hers. I also like her smile. Teeth are so white and straight.
When I mean manga, I mean like these types of eyes.
Ok, have to study more and prepare for tomorrows interview. Ciao. (Still reminds of me that redheaded hottie Kat.)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Beastie Boys tours cancelled and whatnot. Get well soon.
I got the news a while back ago, that the tours of the Beastie Boys I was trying to attend in California, were cancelled. The video gives the reason why.
I hope everything turns out well. This guys are legends. Im amazed of how they managed to keep getting a good audience feedback for so many years, compared to other counterparts of the same time they started. Wow. Well, if you were one of the people who are going with me to the Beastie Boys concerts, well, plans have to be revised. Aww, dude! I was so looking forwards towards these concerts after Summer 2009 here at SMC. Oh well. Im wishing the best to all of them, and hopefully you get well soon and dont apologize guys. You brought in era of new sound, and are the originators of sounds that have lasted since the 80s. Well, not sure if there is a refund or not. Hmm. Ill look into that. Ciao.
I hope everything turns out well. This guys are legends. Im amazed of how they managed to keep getting a good audience feedback for so many years, compared to other counterparts of the same time they started. Wow. Well, if you were one of the people who are going with me to the Beastie Boys concerts, well, plans have to be revised. Aww, dude! I was so looking forwards towards these concerts after Summer 2009 here at SMC. Oh well. Im wishing the best to all of them, and hopefully you get well soon and dont apologize guys. You brought in era of new sound, and are the originators of sounds that have lasted since the 80s. Well, not sure if there is a refund or not. Hmm. Ill look into that. Ciao.
Monday, July 20, 2009
1 more week to go!!!
Im kinda nervous about the week left at SMC. The Summer semester kinda went without a hitch. Nice to see that this semester is one of my best. Im happy about that. Im at the SMC library, finishing up. Just nervous about how it might affect my job. My summer job. Well, Im finished studying and doing this to bring honor and pride to the family name. Best wishes to all you readers. Ciao.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My alter ego dancing. Go Chris! Im the best! Do a lil dance!
Ive seen that sprite of Vegeta dancing before.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Returning to work to witness the economy crisis of fellow co-workers.
So, Im kinda sad to see that at the end of this week, the first week back to work. At the same time, Im happy to be back at my prime work place. But still a little sad to have left behind the job at Pepperdine & Britney and all those interesting characters. What Im surprised is that Mar is still at work. Why doesnt she move on and use her knowledge somewhere more benificial. In a way, I understand, the way the economy is at the moment, quitting a your current job for a higher paying when is a big risk. In this job, at least we all have some type of tenure. A new job, usually the new workers are the ones to be laid off, giving privilage to the ones with tenure. But it seems that Ida Cheang, Christina Navarro have been laid off. What they both have in common is that they are the newest teachers to the staff. Before leaving Magnolia last summer, a lot of the veteran teachers had to retire. A lot of the veteran teachers left us. Between them is my favorite teachers, Ms Jan Wright, Ms Matayoshi, Mom Ferre (I forget her first name, I lovingly call her Mama Ferre) and probably Mrs Yoshimi. I thought with them "retiring" the younger teachers would have a chance to stay. But either way, Im sad to see those experieced teachers go away. Especially Mama Ferre and Ms Jan Wright. They considerably bought their expertise and experience to the group. But seems it did not save the new teachers being laid off anyhow. I knew that something like this was going to happen to me if I stayed at Pepperdine. Im just waiting for Britney to keep me on the details of who gets laid off. Anyway, the commute to Pepperdine was a hassle. We are at a time that no one is 100% safe from being laid off. A veteran teacher, veteran worker, a good teacher, a person with a bachelor's or Master's degree. The only advice I have to all is to think twice before quitting a job. Whats the point in getting a new job, that pays considerably more, if your going to be laid off because your the new "scapegoat". "We need to cut costs..." "Our company cant afford..." It has not happened to me directly, but it really hits me close. I just wish all of those people who are not with us anymore, the best of luck in finding a new job, and that the employers dont lay them off because of being the new ones. Ciao.
Mari-Jew-Wanna. Dont do drugs kids!!!
Technohead – I Want To Be A Hippy – Video & free listening at "Added by hauptgersi"
Oh, this songs brings back memories from UCSC. I remembered my room mates playing this song over and over. When the annual, 420 was approaching, they had this song playing in Santa Cruz fields. Kinda catchy song. But I was caution kids to not read much into the message.
Oh, this songs brings back memories from UCSC. I remembered my room mates playing this song over and over. When the annual, 420 was approaching, they had this song playing in Santa Cruz fields. Kinda catchy song. But I was caution kids to not read much into the message.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Arrgh, the pirate, he is after my booty!!!
The song is called Mango. From a site called
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
God is with me, not against me
Earlier today, I met a person named Jessica. I noticed that her left arm had a bunch of writing. For a while, I thought it was a peculiar tattoo. Jessica explained to me that she writes stuff on her arms as reminders.
"Oh, I do that too." "Like, buy milk, study, Room M77, Test on Chapters 5 to 7 & etc"
But, just to cut to the chase, when she said, "God is with me, not against me", Im not sure what happened to me, but I started to think critically about that quote.
"God is with me, not against me"? I usually think that Im fighting against evil, and all other guff from the world. I just to go against unfairness, cruely, injustice that people suffer everyday. But "God is with me"? I never actually seen it that way a 100%. I tend not to rely on other people when it comes to handle everyday problems. But do I sound evil, of not thinking in this type of way, according to the quote. Never thougt of it that way, ... does that make me a "bad Christian", and I mean the faith, not my name. Hmm. Im wonderig where Jessica got that quote. Did she made it up? Got it from a song? The Bible? Just pondering. Meeting Jessica today made me think more upon life and the challenges that await in our future. If I see Jessica again, Ill ask her the source of that quote. Very nice quote. Nice and simple and straigth to the point. Jessica looks awfully familiar. Not sure why. She does kinda remind me of Kiko, but Kiko has been missing in action lately. No one knows what happened to her. Kiko just stop showing around, around the time of the death of Michael Jackson. Is she mourning? Who knows.
So back to the quote. I talked with some close friends via cellphone. Mostly I get the feedback that God or destiny or whatever you want to call what happens, has a funny way to put people, places, events in your way, for you to learn and to be guided in the right direction. For me, it does change a bit of my way of thinking. That I have to manage, and like I always say, "To protect and to maintain, ones own Chivalry way."
"Oh, I do that too." "Like, buy milk, study, Room M77, Test on Chapters 5 to 7 & etc"
But, just to cut to the chase, when she said, "God is with me, not against me", Im not sure what happened to me, but I started to think critically about that quote.
"God is with me, not against me"? I usually think that Im fighting against evil, and all other guff from the world. I just to go against unfairness, cruely, injustice that people suffer everyday. But "God is with me"? I never actually seen it that way a 100%. I tend not to rely on other people when it comes to handle everyday problems. But do I sound evil, of not thinking in this type of way, according to the quote. Never thougt of it that way, ... does that make me a "bad Christian", and I mean the faith, not my name. Hmm. Im wonderig where Jessica got that quote. Did she made it up? Got it from a song? The Bible? Just pondering. Meeting Jessica today made me think more upon life and the challenges that await in our future. If I see Jessica again, Ill ask her the source of that quote. Very nice quote. Nice and simple and straigth to the point. Jessica looks awfully familiar. Not sure why. She does kinda remind me of Kiko, but Kiko has been missing in action lately. No one knows what happened to her. Kiko just stop showing around, around the time of the death of Michael Jackson. Is she mourning? Who knows.
So back to the quote. I talked with some close friends via cellphone. Mostly I get the feedback that God or destiny or whatever you want to call what happens, has a funny way to put people, places, events in your way, for you to learn and to be guided in the right direction. For me, it does change a bit of my way of thinking. That I have to manage, and like I always say, "To protect and to maintain, ones own Chivalry way."
"God is with me not against me"
Emergency Update.
No one was monitoring the Battle Archives, Tactic Archives, & Project Gilgamesh, and similar projects. Failed Experiment of 2008 have been archiving from different sources but not orderly. Battle Archives 2 will remain on course. While original BA will have to wait. TA is funtioning at peak performance. Due to small numbers of readers on myspace, not a significant different. Someone has to see how to deal with newcomers. Michael Jackson was a great distraction to throw readers off. Melissa will take over myspace traffic. Either that, or following; John, Allison are good canditates but Melissa has more experience in this field. Need opinions on who will replace Chris, and if Melissa is good canditate. Updates are being not set by correct date.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The death of comedian's buttjoke of a child molestor. (Michael Jackson)
Growing up, Michael Jackson was always used by the media, comedians and etc as a joke. Especially about him and little boys in that Never land ranch area. If you go onto YouTube or whatnot, you ll find a bunch of comedy sketches making fun of his alleged molestation. Just type in the search box; Michael Jackson, MadTV, SNL, funny, molestation,In living Color, comedy and the like. So, growing up, who hasn't heard of the allegations of him going Wacko Jacko on little boys.
Earlier today, I got the news that the king of pop, Michael Jackson passed away. Details are not so clear on his death. Just that he just had a cardiac arrest, and just kicked the bucket here in the UCLA medical plaza. I'm getting news that traffic is crazy near UCLA. Here at SMC, everything seems normal. I think because we are in Summer session, not much student body is present. Wow. Just weird. My concern at the moment is SYMPATHY SUICIDES. This term is applied to people who commit suicide in response to a certain event, like Elvis's death. So I imagine that might follow. I'm trying to remember all my friends music taste, but none of us are very hardcore into Michael Jackson music. I'm betting some phonies would start buying his Cd's, and others will try to make a profit of his death. If there is a public ceremony, some will try to leech to his fame and blab about how they knew him, and just want some camera time. Where were those people, when he was in the middle of his accusations? They ran away from him, "cant be next to a child molestor." That bothers me, how "friends" come and go depending on your citation. Im very sure I first heard about his passing while in the campus of SMC. Right now, my classes are over for the day, and have a break before heading off to work. Wait. I got a call and text about now, and telling me to not come in. Traffic is crazy. Is that whatever happens to UCLA area, affects to a certain point the Pepperdine campus in Malibu, my current "Summer Job". My plan today is to stay late until library closes, and go home at around 9PM. Hoping by that time, the traffic and craziness between SMC and my home calms down. Might as well study. Ciao.
Earlier today, I got the news that the king of pop, Michael Jackson passed away. Details are not so clear on his death. Just that he just had a cardiac arrest, and just kicked the bucket here in the UCLA medical plaza. I'm getting news that traffic is crazy near UCLA. Here at SMC, everything seems normal. I think because we are in Summer session, not much student body is present. Wow. Just weird. My concern at the moment is SYMPATHY SUICIDES. This term is applied to people who commit suicide in response to a certain event, like Elvis's death. So I imagine that might follow. I'm trying to remember all my friends music taste, but none of us are very hardcore into Michael Jackson music. I'm betting some phonies would start buying his Cd's, and others will try to make a profit of his death. If there is a public ceremony, some will try to leech to his fame and blab about how they knew him, and just want some camera time. Where were those people, when he was in the middle of his accusations? They ran away from him, "cant be next to a child molestor." That bothers me, how "friends" come and go depending on your citation. Im very sure I first heard about his passing while in the campus of SMC. Right now, my classes are over for the day, and have a break before heading off to work. Wait. I got a call and text about now, and telling me to not come in. Traffic is crazy. Is that whatever happens to UCLA area, affects to a certain point the Pepperdine campus in Malibu, my current "Summer Job". My plan today is to stay late until library closes, and go home at around 9PM. Hoping by that time, the traffic and craziness between SMC and my home calms down. Might as well study. Ciao.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Helen Keller has a Twitter? Go figure.(Video)
I had no idea that I had a fellow Twitter with Helen Keller? I wonder what she is up to?
I know its May, but Im already planning what to do for my Summer 2009. Hmm what to do? Probably Ill follow Helen Keller on Twitter. Kidding. Study for you finals people. Ciao!
I know its May, but Im already planning what to do for my Summer 2009. Hmm what to do? Probably Ill follow Helen Keller on Twitter. Kidding. Study for you finals people. Ciao!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
So I just left the car at the OEM Volkswagen mechanics. Im hoping they do a good job at bringing the car up to 100%. Coincidently, today is the last day of April. So bus pass expires today. I think. So far, Twitter has really been a helpful tool. Very convenient. So 4 or 5 weeks to go, for the end of Spring 2009. Mostly my concern is the results on test #2 at SMC. Hopefully it went well. Im wondering what phone is best to do mobile blogging & the like.
Monday, April 27, 2009
A proud Alaskan Terrier owner, me.
I remember using this character a lot while playing a series of games called Samurai Showdown. He is one of my favorites besides Hanzo. This particular character's name is Galford. Growing up, Ive always had an admiration for wolves. Well, legally you cant own one. Duh. But, anyway, a friend sent me this pic, since I care for 2 Alaskan Terriers. One of them is name Silver Fang.

My other dog is named Sabre Wolf. I had since pups. But you know that already. But this pics reminds me of how I was a kid, and hope for one day to at least have one a a faithful pet. Both of them have basic attack dog training. Problem is, since I work and go to college, we dont hang that much together. But when I get a free time, or hear of a canine event, I prepare the SportWagen and drive off to ... whatever. Just kinda hard for me to see myself again as a kid. And wishing to have at least one. I just tend to be careful to show them off to people, especially girls Im seeing. They kinda get protective and jeaulous. Like if they are trying to protect me from harm, or just dont want a person to take me away from having quality time with them. Pssh!
Guys,( both of them are males) I dont give you guff when the neighborhood b*tches (even though, this is the correct word for female dogs, I dont see the necessity of "swearing") come home and you have fun. My friend that gave this pic, she mentioned to me that she knows a person who has 3 pups for adoption. The names are Neron, Hitler and Stalin. I kinda see the theme of the dogs names. My neighbor's dogs are named Killer, Sharky, and Mauler. Its a dog world. Anyway, what is your favorite type of dog readers? Those your favorite type, represent your personality and character? Ciao.
My other dog is named Sabre Wolf. I had since pups. But you know that already. But this pics reminds me of how I was a kid, and hope for one day to at least have one a a faithful pet. Both of them have basic attack dog training. Problem is, since I work and go to college, we dont hang that much together. But when I get a free time, or hear of a canine event, I prepare the SportWagen and drive off to ... whatever. Just kinda hard for me to see myself again as a kid. And wishing to have at least one. I just tend to be careful to show them off to people, especially girls Im seeing. They kinda get protective and jeaulous. Like if they are trying to protect me from harm, or just dont want a person to take me away from having quality time with them. Pssh!
Guys,( both of them are males) I dont give you guff when the neighborhood b*tches (even though, this is the correct word for female dogs, I dont see the necessity of "swearing") come home and you have fun. My friend that gave this pic, she mentioned to me that she knows a person who has 3 pups for adoption. The names are Neron, Hitler and Stalin. I kinda see the theme of the dogs names. My neighbor's dogs are named Killer, Sharky, and Mauler. Its a dog world. Anyway, what is your favorite type of dog readers? Those your favorite type, represent your personality and character? Ciao.
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